How to Make the Most of Recipes (and Raise More Money!)

Terri Lynn Signature nuts, mixes, and chocolates make great ingredients for homemade creations.

Our test kitchen stays busy blending our premium products into recipes that can be shared with your supporters, or made into extra tasty treats for fundraising.

Post Date: Jul 22 2024

Terri Lynn's Signature nuts, snack mixes, and chocolates are delicious on their own — and they also make great ingredients for homemade, tasty creations! Think Pecan Cookies, Granola Bars, Muffins and more.

Our test kitchen stays busy blending our premium products into recipes that can be shared with your supporters, or made into extra tasty treats for fundraising.

Read on for tips to make the most of our library of recipes, and hop over to our favorites any time to get cookin’ with Terri Lynn Fundraising!

terri lynn fudge recipe

Make the Most of Terri Lynn Recipes (and Your Own!)

1. Print Recipes from

If you’re hosting an in-person event, it’s a great time to hand out hard-copy recipes. Visit our recipe page for the full line-up of dishes to bake, create, and enjoy. Take a screenshot of the page, or select a recipe’s text and then copy and paste it into a document of your own for printing. If you’re handy with QR codes, you can also add them to printouts and send anyone who scans them straight to our easily-accessible recipe pages.

Make it personal by trying your hand at some of our scrumptious recipes, so you can make your own recommendations! And if you have culinary creators in your group, add their special recipes to the print-out mix as well.

Read about Grenada Lion’s Club, which features their own recipes in the local newspaper every autumn before their Annual Nut Sale!

online fundraising product recipes

2. Share recipe links in emails to supporters

Linking to recipes on the Terri Lynn website is easy in your social media posts and emails. Simply visit one (or more) of our recipe pages, copy the link, and add it to your message.

Want to keep your mailing list engaged leading up to your big fundraising event? Drop a new recipe in your email each week to get their imaginations rolling, so they’ll be ready to purchase ingredients and support your cause when it’s time for your big event.

Bonus: If you’re using our Online Store program, you can include recipe links in emails and a link to your Online Store where your supporters can purchase ingredients directly from you.

Try your hand at emailing a themed recipe series! You’ll keep your audience wanting more, and stay top-of-mind when they’re planning menus for holidays and gatherings (or even just lazy Sunday mornings).

Theme Idea: Brunch
Theme Idea: Pecans
Theme Idea: Picnic Time

easy online fundraising

3. Get recipes from community members, too

Does everyone in your neighborhood love Jen’s holiday dip? Or Chris’s family cookies? Personalize your fundraiser with recipes from community members! Get local stars to submit their dishes made with ingredients from your fundraiser, and then have bags and order forms on hand so your supporters can try the recipes at home.

Here are some other ideas for gathering new recipes to share:

  • Pick one ingredient, and encourage your local bakers and chefs get creative

  • Pick a themed dish for recipe submissions, like dips, desserts, or snacks

  • Ask your organizers and volunteers to each submit a recipe for your email newsletter

  • Pick a recipe from and ask participants to put their own unique spin on it!

4. Host a recipe contest

Play to your supporters’ competitive sides with a hosted contest featuring Terri Lynn premium ingredients. People in your community can pay to either enter the contest, or to try the delicious results. You may also want to pair a contest with a Bake Sale event where participants sell their goods and your fundraising group benefits from the proceeds.

When you choose the winning recipe, send it our way. You just may find your fundraising group and delicious dish featured on our website and in our monthly newsletter!

5. Use recipes to host your own event

Food focused fundraisers invite your supporters to eat for a cause. Host an event where the food is provided by your fundraising group, and participants pay an entrance fee to join the fun. Here are some festive ideas:

Not only can you raise funds by selling food you prepare with Terri Lynn ingredients, you can also have bags on hand so people can purchase their own nuts, snacks and confections on their way out the door!

Pro tip: with our Online Store program, you can direct your supporters to an online store where they can purchase ingredients and support your cause any time, 24/7!

Profits are Baked-In with Terri Lynn Fundraising

We’ve helped groups successfully raise tens of thousands of dollars Terri Lynn fundraising products. Not only is selling with Terri Lynn easy and effective — it’s delicious, too! Use our library of recipes to inspire your supporters and create your own delicious spin-offs. There’s nothing like building community over food!

When you’re ready to get started, contact our team of Fundraising Experts and they can help you create a customized plan to reach and exceed your fundraising goals.

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